What is an ADHD Coach?
I find that people with ADHD work longer and harder than anyone. My focus is on working with these individuals to unlock potential and help them navigate a path toward greater independence. I’m holding the map, but the client is always in the driver’s seat.

ADHD Coaches are, first and foremost, trained coaches who endorse and accept the coaching paradigm of the International Coach Federation (ICF), and who additionally have specific training and expertise in coaching people and/or groups affected by ADHD.
ADHD Coaching addresses the specific needs and aspirations of the individual being coached. Unlike conventional coaching, however, ADHD Coaching also addresses the specific needs of clients who have ADHD or ADHD-like symptoms. Therefore, ADHD Coaches focus on working with clients on their personal goals, but can also work on professional goals and the pragmatic issues of achieving them while living with ADHD.
It is a supportive, collaborative, goal-oriented process in which the coach and the client work together to identify the client’s goals and then develop the self-awareness, systems, and strategies necessary for the client to reach those personal goals and full potential.
I partner with my clients to achieve the results they want. I ask more and tell less, I listen and acknowledge every client’s strengths and talents.
As the dedicated educator and researcher, Russell Barkley says, people with ADHD know what to do, but they don’t necessarily know how to do it. I help each client examine their behaviors and thoughts. Together, we explore executive functions such as planning, prioritization, organization, time management and emotional regulation. We discuss skills and strategies to enhance achievement.
People with ADHD are often held back by lack of confidence and negative self-concept.
Before a client can perform up to their potential, we will examine their beliefs, perceptions and strengths. ADHD and challenges with executive functions can make life inconvenient but one can thrive. Learning more about yourself will help you flourish. I will help you to facilitate change through self awareness, goal setting, understanding how to take action and accountability.
I work with college students, grad students and adults. Coaching is hard work but it pays dividends. If you want to take appropriate action and are ready, willing and able to learn about yourself, ADHD and executive functions, contact me.
About Jo Ann Skinner, PPC.
Wilmington, NC to be near the salt water. Before that, we were a part of the Reston, Virginia community in Northern Virginia for over 20 years, raising two daughters. I’m also the proud rescuer of several kind and loyal dogs and cats.